Microsoft are releasing a set of updates to SharePoint pages authoring: Proof text in multiple languages in the text web part, more control over spacing in text web parts and removal of external image support in the Hero web part. Due early to mid-March 2023.

Proof text in multiple languages in text web part in pages.
The Microsoft Editor Spellchecker will be able to proof text in multiple languages. Any word in the Page language, M365 language and the Edge browser language will be spell checked appropriately.

More control over spacing in text web part in pages.
The behaviour of line spacing in the text web part is changing. After the end of a line, pressing enter will create a new line right underneath the previous line (like pressing shift + enter?). This is a change from the previous behaviour where pressing enter created a new paragraph (This change has been rolled back/reversed due to user feedback (MC669730)).

Removal of external image support in Hero web part.
Microsoft are removing support for external images. Instead, they recommend uploading images to the site or leveraging the stock images. Existing Hero web parts with external images will continue to work. This is intended to improve rendering of the hero web part.

Due early to mid-March 2023.

Source, related links, and references:
MC669730 (More control over spacing in text web part in pages reversal).
Add text, tables, and images to your page with the Text web part – Microsoft Support.
Use the Hero web part – Microsoft Support.

Check status:
Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 117365

Page originally published:
12th February 2023 and kept up to date.