Do you ever need to create a SharePoint page that no-one can see, not even other editors, until you are ready to publish? Maybe business results, for example? If so, Private Drafts are for you.
This feature first surfaced late 2021 and was put on hold in April 2022 but now appears to be back on track!
Short version:
This new feature will provide the ability to create private drafts for pages and news posts. A private draft will be visible to only the page author, the people the author chooses to share it with, and site admins. You will be able to create and edit content that’s not ready for others to see except the people with whom you want to collaborate. Now due mid-January to late February 2023.
Authors of SharePoint pages and news will be able to create private drafts. When a private draft is created, only the creator and site admins can see the page (including from within the Pages library). The creator can then share the private draft with other people to allow them to access and edit the page. They will also have access to the assets associated with the page which are stored in the site’s assets library.
Like all pages and news posts, only one person at a time can edit the draft. When the draft is published, its permissions will be reset and everyone in your organization who has access to the site will be able to view it.

Availability:Due mid early to late November 2021 April 2022 for most of us on hold as of 21 April 2022.Now due early August to mid-September 2022.Now due early August to mid-November 2022.
Now due mid-January to late February 2023.
Related links and references:
Learn more: Create a private SharePoint page or news post.
MC291100 (old) and MC408994
Page originally published:
16th October 2021 and kept up to date.