This feature allows users who are viewing a video to search for keywords contained in the video transcript. This feature is available on video files that have transcripts and are stored in OneDrive or SharePoint. Due mid-January to late February 2023.

You can navigate through the search results and click on a portion of the transcript to be taken to the respective spot in the video. Obviously, you need view or edit permissions on a file to search the transcript:

This feature is for searching the transcript of a single video. You also have the option to search the transcripts of all videos you have permissions to view using Microsoft 365 search.

Due mid-January to late February 2023.

Source, related links, and references:
View, edit, and manage video transcripts and captions – Microsoft Support.

Check status:
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 99920.

Page originally published:
18th December 2022.