Do you ever send yourself an email or text message as a way of reminding yourself about something? A neat little new feature will soon let you do this easily in Teams…

You will soon be able to chat with…yourself. All chat functionality that works when chatting with others will work for sending yourself a chat message. Start a chat with yourself by typing your full name in the To: field when creating a new chat. Due mid to late June 2022.

The user will soon be able to send yourself messages the same way you would with anyone else.

A chat with self allows you to type your name in the To: field when creating a new chat, and have a conversation with yourself. You can also access chatting with yourself from your people card. Perfect for sending yourself notes and reminders.

Due mid to late June 2022.
Available now.

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This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 88066.


Watch Mark and Kirsty discuss this topic: