Editing SharePoint pages can feel a bit clunky at times as you move around, edit and manage web parts and their contents. Microsoft are trying to make the editing experience a little nicer.

Short version:
Microsoft are making changes to the editing experience for SharePoint pages to make it easier for you to understand where you are by adding labels, reducing clutter by consolidating actions into a single web part toolbar, and putting authors into focus mode by default to remove visual distractions. Due mid-January 2022 to early February 2022.

Changes to Focus Mode:

  • When entering edit mode, authors of SharePoint pages and news will enter focus mode which will remove the site header and navigation so authors can focus on the task of editing a page. Users can still exit focus mode manually if desired.

Changes to content and section labels:

  • While editing, authors will notice new labels demarking sections and web parts so its clearer for them to understand what’s being used in the page.

Changes to web part toolbar:

  • Authors will notice webpart toolbars moving from a vertical placement to horizontal, and actions consolidated into that single web part toolbar.

Due mid-January 2022 to early February 2022.

Check status:
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 82177.
