Do you hate being on camera in Teams meetings, but want better representation than that old photo in your profile can provide? Avatars for Microsoft Teams is for you! In preview now and generally available May to July 2023.
28th August 2023 Update: Microsoft have release an update regarding a new service plan and hardware requirementsscroll to the end of the blog for details.
26th June 2023 Update: Microsoft have expanded availability of Avatars to more M365 licence types…scroll to the end of the blog for details.
5th May 2023 Update: Watch Kirsty set up an Avatar for the first time: S01E07: Avatars in Microsoft Teams Meetings – Super Simple 365.
- Customisable avatars and reactions
- Save up to three avatars for different meeting types (such as casual, professional, and day to day)
- Intended for users 18+
You can create your avatar for Microsoft Teams through the Avatars app; you can search and install from the Teams App store, through the pre-join screen by clicking the button ‘Create your avatar’ and in-meeting through the More menu under Effects and avatars (note the EA next to my profile picture, this indicates that I am running Teams in preview mode):

Customise an avatar that represents your physical attributes, wardrobe, accessories etc:

Before joining a Teams meeting, you can access Avatars from the quick tray when your camera is disabled.
After joining a meeting, you will be able to apply your avatar from selecting Effects and avatars on the side pane under the More menu. Additional settings are provided to change avatar reactions, update your background and change your camera position.
For the admins:
Avatars are based on apps in Teams, you can manage these apps just as you would any others. Manage your apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center – Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn.
Preview: Arrived March to early April 2023.General release: Due May 2023.General release: Due late May to early July 2023.
Available now.
Release update 9th May 2023 from Microsoft: “While in Public Preview, Avatars for Microsoft Teams was supported for all SKUs. However, at General Availability, Avatars for Microsoft Teams will only be supported for the following SKUs: Microsoft 365 Enterprise E3, Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5, Microsoft 365 Business Standard, Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Teams Premium.”
Updated 28th August 2023 Update: A new service plan; Avatars for Teams (MESH_AVATARS_FOR_TEAMS), will be added to these licenses: Teams Essentials, Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Microsoft 365 Business Standard, Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3/E5, and Office 365 E1/E3/E5. “The new minimum specified hardware requirement is a two core CPU with 6gb RAM. Users will not be able to utilize this feature if it does not meet the minimum hardware spec. This change is due to be able to provide users with a better Avatars for Teams experience”. Due late August to late September 2023.
Updated June 26, 2023: We are expanding the licensing for avatars for Teams to be available to additional Teams commercial customers, so more users have the flexibility on how they represent themselves in meetings. Avatars for Teams will be available for Teams Essentials, Business Basic, Business Standard, Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3/E5, and Office 365 E1/E3/E5. A day of hybrid meetings can be exhausting, and we believe more users having access to avatars for Teams will give you that much-needed camera break, while still allowing you to collaborate effectively.
Source, related links, and references:
Avatars for Microsoft Teams in Public Preview – Microsoft Community Hub.
Check status:
Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 107969.
Page originally published:
29th March 2023 and kept up to date.