Friday, March 28, 2025

Coming soon to Microsoft Teams webinars: unique join links for external presenters

Details:Organisers of Teams webinars will soon be able to create unique join links for their external presenters, who will receive exclusive Teams join links. These links enable external presenters to enter...

Collaborative meeting notes are coming to Teams on mobile

TL;DR:The ability to use Collaborative meeting notes (view, edit, and create collaborative notes including agenda, notes, and follow-up tasks) is coming to Teams for iOS and Android. This update will bring...

Microsoft Teams emojis, GIFs and stickers are to be combined in one easy to...

Details:Currently, you see separate emoji, GIF and sticker pickers when composing a message or post in Teams: With this update emojis, GIFs, and stickers will be combined in one picker under the...

The Teams meeting Outlook add-in now supports multi-tenant/account meeting creation for users of new...

TL;DR: The Teams meeting add-in in Outlook now supports the ability to switch between multiple tenants and accounts to schedule Teams meetings. Available now for users of the new Teams client. Details:If...

Workflows are replacing Connectors within the Microsoft Teams channels menu

TL;DR:Microsoft: “Microsoft Teams will be bringing workflows powered by Power Automate into the overflow menu for channels and replacing the Connectors option within the menu”. Now due late October to mid-November...

New Microsoft Teams app: Meet

TL;DR:Microsoft: “Microsoft Teams users will soon have a dedicated space to manage their meetings – “Meet”. The Meet app is a centralized hub for all meeting activity and content”. Due mid-October...

Microsoft Teams webinars get a brilliant on-demand recording upgrade

TL;DR:Webinar organisers will soon be able to publish the recording of their webinars and automatically send an update to attendees, including a link to watch the on-demand recording hosted on the...

Stream video preview and playback in Microsoft Teams chats and channels

TL;DR:You will soon be able to preview and play Stream videos directly in Microsoft Teams Chats and Channels without having to open them in a browser and going to Stream. Now due...

Microsoft Teams app store suggestions to be grouped by app purpose

Details:The Microsoft Teams app store will soon show app suggestions grouped by the tasks that the apps support (such as ‘manage tasks’ and ‘take notes and create lists’) as opposed to...

S01E09: Avatars for Teams Meetings – part 2 (SUCCESS)

Welcome to Season 01, Episode 09 of Mark & Kirsty banging on about Microsoft 365! In our eighth (very short) episode we planned to follow up on our Avatars - part 1...

Microsoft 365 ‘OMG’ Moments! 007 – ‘Microsoft Teams WOW! moments’ at Commsverse 2023

Welcome to Microsoft 365 OMG! Moments. In this episode on we revisit Kirsty's Commsverse 2023 session 'Microsoft Teams WOW! moments'. Scroll down and watch the whole video, or pick a topic...

S01E10 Microsoft Teams features you may have missed

Welcome to Season 01, Episode 10 of Mark & Kirsty banging on about Microsoft 365! In our tenth episode (number 9 is in the pipeline somewhere!) we look at some nice Microsoft...

S01E08: Avatars for Teams Meetings – part 2 (FAIL)

Welcome to Season 01, Episode 08 of Mark & Kirsty banging on about Microsoft 365! In our eighth (very short) episode we planned to follow up on our Avatars - part 1...

Show/hide previews in your Microsoft Teams chat list

TL;DR:‘Show message previews in your chat list’ is a new way to make better use of space on the rail when looking at chat. It also improves privacy by hiding the...

Animated Backgrounds in Teams Meetings

TL;DR:The animated background feature in Teams Meetings will allow you to replace your background with an animation. Animated backgrounds will be identified by a small video icon in the bottom-left corner...

Tasks in Microsoft Loop Components to start syncing with Planner and To Do

TL;DR:Tasks created using Microsoft Loop components will soon start syncing with Microsoft tasks apps To Do, Planner, and the Tasks app in Teams. Now due mid-June mid-August 2023. Details:The Task List Loop...

Zoom controls while viewing a screenshare in Teams meetings

Details:You will soon see new buttons to zoom in, zoom out and restore the original size of screenshares during  Microsoft Teams meetings and chats. Here's a closer look at the buttons in...

Change your Work Hours and Location in Microsoft Teams

Details:Work Hours and Location (WHL) in New Outlook/on the web lets you set and share your in-office/at-home schedule. Should your schedule change, this new Teams feature allows you to quickly change...

Microsoft Teams Collaborative Stageview

TL;DR:You will soon be able to open app content in a new, separate Teams window that’s been built for collaboration. Now due mid-July to late August 2023. Details:Collaborative Stageview is a new...

Microsoft Teams is getting a new chat and channel search experience

TL;DR: Microsoft have announced improvements to the search experience for chats and channels.  They include a search pane on the right, a ‘Find in channel’ button and improved result captioning/highlighting. Now...

What’s new in Microsoft 365 and Copilot? March 2025

Welcome to our third roundup of 2025. We look at what was announced, released and delayed across Microsoft 365 and Copilot in March. Check out...

Ask Copilot questions about images in OneDrive

Tables in SharePoint get a new toolbar

Coming soon: Microsoft 365 Copilot Actions