This new feature, Copilot in Forms, allows Copilot for Microsoft 365 licensed users with access to Forms to easily create and customise forms. You describe your desired form in natural language, and Copilot generates it. You can preview and refine the form, and apply suggested themes to enhance audience engagement. Due late February to early March 2024.

Microsoft says you can use Copilot in Forms to:

  • “Save time and effort.
  • Copilot in Forms can reduce the time and effort you spend on creating surveys by generating draft content and suggestions for you. You can focus on refining and customizing your survey according to your needs and preferences.
  • Improve quality and accuracy.
  • Copilot in Forms can help you improve the quality and accuracy of your survey by providing objective and transparent feedback. You can avoid common pitfalls and biases in survey design, such as leading questions, double-barreled questions, or ambiguous wording.
  • Enhance engagement and insights.
  • Copilot in Forms can help you enhance the engagement and insights of your survey by providing relevant and diverse questions and options. You can capture the attention and interest of your respondents and collect valuable data and feedback”


  1. Go to Forms, select to create a New Form from scratch or use an existing template.
  2. Copilot will prompt you to describe what you want to create. You can describe in your own words or view prompts to help you get started.

  1. Click Generate to submit your request and Copilot will start analysing your prompt and suggest a draft title, questions and answers relating to your intent.
  2. You can refine or add more details for Copilot to fine-tune the draft.
  3. Once you’ve finished creating the survey content, Copilot will also recommend related themes to polish your survey, before you share the usual ways.

Due late February to early March 2024.

Source, related links, and references
365 Roadmap ID 375324.
Images: Microsoft.

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Page originally published
10th March 2024 and kept up to date.

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